Dr. Mazzucelli has taught for 13 years on Graduate Faculty at NYU New York.

Her courses in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences have been recognized through the Peer To Peer (P2P) Program at the US Department of State.

On September 21, 2016, the members of the NYU P2P Teams were chosen to represent the United States in the Facebook P2P Global Showcase Event during the United Nations General Assembly. Coverage of the Showcase Event included a video produced by CNN in which CNNMoney’s Laurie Segall sat down with Facebook’s head of product policy, Monika Bickert, to discuss the Peer to Peer: Challenging Extremism (P2P) program. 

Dr. Mazzucelli serves as the Faculty Adviser of the NYU European Horizons Chapter at NYU New York and has established an Advisory Board to plan NYU Chapter Public Events in the coming years. The NYU European Horizons YouTube Channel houses video clips of these Public Events.

At NYU SPS, Dr. Mazzucelli has been awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award, 2013, and has several NYU SPS CGA courses cited in Foreign Affairs and the CFR Educators Bulletin. ​In addition, she participated in the Inaugural CFR Educators’ Conference.