Conflict Resolution (INTRL-GA 1760)
This course provides students with a working knowledge and experience of conflict resolution integrating participation in the BMW Foundation Responsible Leaders Network in North America and the Global Diplomacy Lab.
We explore the history, methods, practice, and theory of conflict resolution.
Basic strategies in the conflict literature – competitive versus collaborative negotiation – are learned along with a comparison of strategic alternatives in the areas of relationship, power balance, communication, perception of value differences, and tactics. Modules address framing the post-9/11 strategic context, basic human needs theory, gender and conflict resolution, protracted social conflict, the relevance of “provention” to conflict analysis, the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and religion in conflict resolution, as well as the uses of mobile technology and social media platforms in conflict environments.
The BMW Foundation Responsible Leaders Network in North America and the Global Diplomacy Lab provide technology-mediated learning, research, and service components to the course.